Second cabinet of the Gironde

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The second cabinet of the Gironde was the return of the majority Girondin ministers to government after the assault on the Tuileries on August 10, 1792. The cabinet existed until June 2, 1793.


From March 24th to June 13th, 1792 there was already a Girondin style cabinet , but under completely different circumstances. The ever lavierende Louis XVI. hoped to give in and reduce the pressure of the street and instead of monarchists and the conservative feuillants , left revolutionary forces left the power and thus the responsibility.


After Ludwig's suspension on August 10, the people who had already been active were reappointed to ministerial government responsibility. So Étienne Clavière received again the Ministry of Finance, Jean-Marie Roland de La Platière again the Ministry of the Interior and Joseph Marie Servan de Gerbey again the Ministry of War. Fourth Minister was Pierre Henri Helene Marie Lebrun-Tondu , he was given the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Formally, Lebrun-Tondu was not a member of the Gironde Club, but was affectionate to him.

However, the mountain party was also represented at the beginning . The Jacobins' Club , Gaspard Monge, was the Minister for Marine and Colonial Affairs and the Cordeliers , Georges Jacques Danton, the Minister of Justice. At this point, Danton was also perceived as Chief Minister until his resignation on October 9th.

Further course

Danton was replaced by Dominique Joseph Garat , who was close to the Gironde. In addition to Brissot , who was only active in the club, Roland was then perceived as the leading head, but he resigned from his post on January 23, 1793 because of the so-called safe affair. The leadership then took over Clavière, who acted unsuccessfully and this second cabinet also ended with the arrest of the Gironde elite by the uprising of the Parisian sans-culottes .

This first government of the newly founded republic was called the Provisional Executive Council (French: conseil exécutif provisoire ). This did not end with the end of the Gironde, but within the framework of this Executive Council, Jacobin ministers now took over the government.