Onion button primer

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Side view of an onion button fibula

An onion button fibula is a garment needle from late antiquity and the early Middle Ages . The shape arose from the predecessor type of the hinge arm fibula in the 2nd half of the 3rd century.

Golden onion button fibula
Mosaic in San Vitale (Ravenna). On both sides of the emperor Justinian officials in official costume with onion button fibulas.

Onion button fibulas were part of both the late Roman soldier's costume and the clothing of late antique officials. The fibula held the cloak together and was usually carried on the right shoulder. Since the fibula shape was worn almost exclusively by these groups of people, it was also a badge of rank.

Onion button fibulas were made from different materials. Most of the specimens are made of brass or bronze , some of which are gold-plated or decorated with niello or enamel . Few examples are made of silver or gold , the different materials are probably due to differences in the rank of the wearer. A golden onion button fibula comes from the grave of the Frankish king Childerich I.


Individual evidence

  1. Zabehlicky 1980, 1099-1111. - Tax 2007, 616.