Calving interval

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In cattle production, the period between two calves is called the intercalation period (also ZKZ ) .

The interval between calving is an economic parameter. In cattle production, a calving period of 360 days is aimed for, i.e. 1 calf per cow and year. In order to achieve this objective, a rest period of between 50 and 70 days and an intermediate wearing time of 85 days must be observed. This requires an undisturbed postpartum phase ( puerperium ). In herd management, only animals that calve again are recorded in order to calculate the calving interval, i.e. cows with miscarriages are excluded. In practice, however, the interval between calving is usually around 390 days on average for the herd. Animal-specific deviations of 340 to 440 days are the rule.


Individual evidence

  1. ^ FU Berlin
  2. fertility