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The term cystectomy (from the Greek κύστις küstis 'bladder' and έκτέμνἔιν ektemnein 'cut out') literally means "cutting out a cyst " (from the surrounding tissue).


In human medicine , especially in urology , cystectomy is the surgical removal of the urinary bladder . Due to the proximity to the genital organs, the cystectomy in men includes the removal of the urinary bladder, including the prostate and seminal vesicles (also known as "cystoprostatectomy" or "cystoprostatovesikulectomy"). In women, the cystectomy is occasionally removed (depending on the stage of the tumor and the age of the woman), the uterus, the front wall of the vagina and sometimes the ovaries with the bladder.

This operation is usually performed on patients who suffer from "deeply infiltrating bladder carcinoma ". At this advanced stage of bladder carcinoma, the tumor has already grown into the muscle layer of the bladder wall.

There are several methods that can be used to ensure that urine is retained in order to maintain continence after removal of the bladder :


A so-called neo - bladder can be made from a piece of small intestine , which then takes over the reservoir function of the previously removed bladder. The prerequisite for this is u. a. the lack of cancer of the urethra so that it and the patient's sphincter can be preserved. In contrast to the artificial alternatives to urinary diversion, this ensures a much higher quality of life and a lower risk of infection.

Ileum conduit

In cases where the urethra has to be removed during the operation, a so-called ileum conduit can be applied. The ileum conduit is the implantation of the two ureters in an intestinal loop previously removed from the intestine. The freshly removed section of the intestine is connected on one side to the two ureters, the other side is sewn to the inside of the abdominal wall, so that an ileocutaneous stoma , i.e. an opening in the abdominal wall, is created for the urine to drain. The urine drains into a bag that is attached to the abdominal region and can be drained regularly.


  • See Cystectomy and Cystostomy under Odontogenic Cyst

Individual evidence

  1. GEMOLL : Greek-German school and manual dictionary
  2. cystectomy. In: D. Manski: Online textbook of urology.
  3. Basics of urinary diversion. In: D. Manski: Online textbook of urology.