In multiplicibus curis

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In multiplicibus curis there is another peace encyclical from Pope Pius XII. which appeared on October 24, 1948 and with which he called for prayer for peace in Palestine . He also recalls his encyclical Auspicia quaedam , in which he called for public prayer for world peace and for the solution of the Palestinian problem.

Pius XII. lamented the attacks and the destruction of the holy places and called for the free exercise of religious beliefs. He also turned to the faithful in other Middle Eastern countries, the diplomatic representatives of the Holy See in Palestine, Lebanon and Egypt, and appealed to them to take part in the search for peace. In his circular, the Pope also addressed the status of Jerusalem and demanded that international guarantees ensure free access to the holy places. According to the Pope, this also includes freedom of worship and respect for the free exercise of religion according to the respective religious rites .

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Text of the encyclical