Miranda prorsus

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Miranda prorsus ( Latin for The Wonderful Invention ) is the second encyclical of Pope Pius XII after Vigilanti cura . , in which he spoke on September 8, 1957 "about film , radio and television ".


The introduction beginning with a foreword essentially expresses the tendency of his thinking. He sets out the reasons for the Church's interest , describes the precursors to this circular, and explains what events would have led to this circular.

general part

Pius XII. writes in his introduction:

The downright wonderful inventions of technology, of which people today are so proud, are certainly the fruit of human ingenuity and creativity [...] Some of these inventions increase and multiply the strength and performance of people; others improve his living conditions; still others, those that primarily concern the soul and spirit, reach millions of people either directly or through artificially produced images and sounds; With the greatest of ease they convey messages, ideas and teachings to them that can serve as spiritual nourishment, even for the hours of rest and relaxation . "

In this part, Pius XII explains. the development of the media , the "sending" of good and bad, describes the freedom of "sending" and points to problematic developments. He stressed that the media also had an educational mandate and made it clear that the dissemination of mass media was also about informing, instructing and educating the masses. It includes the tasks of the state authority and the professional groups and shows the peculiarities of "broadcasting" through the technology of audio and video broadcasting - in the service of truth and good.

special part

With the individual presentations of film, radio and television, he points out the obligations of the actors, actors and directors , while at the same time showing the producers and film distributors their obligations. He also admonishes and encourages consumers not to behave uncritically towards these media. Pius XII sees another possibility of using the media. in the broadcasting of Catholic radio and television programs and allows the use to spread the Christian message.

Final part

First of all, the Pope addresses the clergy and points out the importance, the effect and the good use of the media, in order to conclude with his closing words:

We wanted to inform you, Venerable Brothers, of our great concerns, which you will certainly share, too, of the concerns about serious dangers that could threaten the Christian faith and morality when these far-reaching inventions of broadcast technology for sound and images Bad ones are abused. But we have not failed to show the advantages and multiple benefits that these new media can bring. To this end, in the light of Christian faith and the prescriptions of the natural law, we have explained the principles according to which the activities of those who use these sound and image transmitters, as well as the conscience of those who use them, must be guided by. Precisely so that these gifts of Divine Providence promote the salvation of souls, we have asked you fatherly to attentive care, but also to courageously use your actions and your authority. Because the task of the relevant state offices, which we recommend to you again on this occasion, is not only to preserve and defend, but above all to lead, organize and support the many educational institutions that have been started in the various nations so that the Christian spirit may be radiated over the difficult and far-reaching sector of technology . "

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