Mystery of the Urinal Deuce

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Template:Infobox South Park episode "Mystery of the Urinal Deuce" is episode 1009 (#148) of Comedy Central's South Park which aired on October 11, 2006 at 10 PM EST. [1] This episode is noted for its new animation: characters "bobbing" left to right as they talk.



When someone at South Park Elementary defecates in a urinal, Cartman begins to rant that it was a conspiracy, "just like 9/11", which he had been ranting about for a while. Others, on the other hand, write him off as a "retard" (as well as the 1/4 of the US population who believe 9/11 conspiracy theories). Cartman performs an investigation, which he presents to his class. He claims that the true culprit behind the 9/11 attacks was Kyle. He has no real evidence to conclude this but uses some bizarre math involving Kyle's score on a test he earned a few days after the 9/11 attacks.

"Cartman starting his Show and Tell about the 9/11 attacks".

Nevertheless, he manages to convince everyone that Kyle is guilty. When Kyle tells his mother that everyone thinks he is the 9/11 culprit, she calls a town meeting, arguing that children don't understand enough about the September 11th attacks. However, many of the townspeople also believe 9/11 might have been the result of a conspiracy, so they hire The Hardly Boys, a pair of idiots who get "clues" (which is tongue-in-cheek for their erections) while investigating crimes, to discover the results of both the 9/11 attacks and the urinal incident, which the Hardly Boys decide must be related. Kyle enlists Stan's help, and they leave South Park to find an organization that can prove Kyle's innocence. The group they find, however, believes that the United States government orchestrated the 9/11 attacks. The conspiracy organization have bottles of anthrax, which they use as "evidence" of the attack. As Kyle is holding them, a SWAT team attacks and arrests Kyle, Stan, and the leader of the conspiracy organization. They are taken to The White House. Presidential officials, along with President George W. Bush, quickly admit that the government actually is behind 9/11. Bush explains the incredibly convoluted method, which seems to greatly dishearten Kyle (who responds with a comical, high-noted "Really?!" response), who always believed such theories were stupid. Since Bush admits this information, he decides to kill Stan, Kyle, and the conspiracy leader, as to not have this information leak out. The head of the conspiracy group is executed by George W. Bush.

"George W.Bush executing the head of the conspiracy group".

As Dick Cheney tries to execute Stan and Kyle with a crossbow, he misses and allows the boys to escape. Meanwhile, Clyde is caught for the urinal incident, and while he admits to it, his parents tell Mr. Mackey he had no colon after a surgery at age 5. Meanwhile the students continue to take glee at Mr. Mackey's determination to find the culprit.

Later, in Chicago, Stan and Kyle run into the leader of the conspiracy group alive and well. After a short chase by Stan and Kyle, he is cornered in a back alley and shot dead by the father of the Hardly boys, who reveals that all the conspiracy websites are false and run by the government. Stan, Kyle, and the Hardly family congregate at the Hardly house as the Bush Administration arrives, and eventually admits that the government wasn't behind 9/11. He explains they actually run the websites, so that the fourth of the country who are dumb enough to believe conspiracies will believe the government is all-powerful, while the other 3/4's know the truth: that "a bunch of pissed off Muslims" actually executed the 9/11 attacks. Stan admits to Kyle that he was the one who pooped in the urinal and explains that this was the reason George Bush tried to trick people into not thinking that the government orchestrated 9/11, even though they didn't do it. Thus in the end, the fundamentalists are concluded to be responsible for 9/11, the government admits to Stan, Kyle, and the Hardly family that they wanted people to believe the government was in full control of everything. Soon after Stan receives his punishment for pooping in the urinal: cleaning the urinal, while Mr. Mackey lectured him (and unwillingly making Stan laugh).


  • The Hardly Boys are characters from Mabel Maney's Nancy Clue books, which are homosexual parodies (also implying "twincest") of Nancy Drew and The Hardy Boys.
  • The names of the Hardly boys are mixed up, with Joe having black hair and Frank blond.
  • Dick Cheney's attempt to kill Kyle and Stan is a parody of the Dick Cheney hunting incident.
  • This episode pokes fun at many of the current 9/11 conspiracy theories, especially those presented in the Loose Change film.
  • The background music playing while Cartman explains the 9/11 conspiracy with bizarre math is the same music heard on the Loose Change film.
  • A wire-frame model of the World Trade Center towers can be seen in the 9/11 researcher's living room, referring to a widely-circulated video clip of a conspiracy theorist using such models to "prove" that the towers were demolished from within.
  • A t-shirt worn by the 9/11 researcher says
  • One of the rare instances when Stan holds a gun against someone appears in this episode, mainly as a big twist.
  • The Chicago scene was reminiscent of a similar scene in the 1989 movie The Wizard.
  • Although Cartman claims Kyle received a grade of 91 on a spelling test twelve days after 9/11, the attacks occurred on a Tuesday, so 12 days after it would have been on a Sunday, when public schools do not have classes.
  • While the kids are being lectured in the multi-purpose room by Mr. Mackey, Pip can be seen amongst the crowd in a rare appearance.
  • On the promotional picture, the 9/11 researcher doesn't have "" printed on his shirt, but in the episode he does.[2]
  • According to a posting of the website, the satire in the episode was not much appreciated by (at least one of) the site's administrators.
  • During the scene where Stan and Kyle are chasing the 9/11 researcher, the background music features several long note crescendos bearing similarity to the instrumental parts of the scores for The Matrix Trilogy, a series of films whose many themes include conspiracy.
  • The sequence where Clyde is (falsely) implicated for defecating in the urinal, as announced by Mr. Mackey's "We got him!" may be a reference to the capture of Saddam Hussein.
  • Mr. Venezuala looks a lot like the janitor from The Death camp of Tolerance.
  • Defeciating in a urinal was previously refered to in the episode, Starvin' Marvin in Space.
  • Mrs. Garrison's lesson in the beginning of the episode is the conflict between Jennifer Aniston, Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt.

Memorable quotes

  • Mr. Mackey: "I have to wake up in the morning, M'kay? And the office had NO coffee, And then I head into the boys bathroom and find a dookie in the urinal!"
  • Hardly Boy 1: "I've got such a raging clue now."
    Hardly Boy 2: "Mine's pointing to the left."
  • Cartman: "Remember that there are, in fact, 2 towers. 2-1 is 1. 1,1: 11. 2-1 is 1. 1,1. And there are 9 members on Silverstein's board of directors. That's 9,1,1: 9/11. And take 2-1 + 9/11 and you get 12. Which leads us all to the master mind of the 9/11 attacks...Kyle!"
    Kyle: "ME?!?"
    Cartman: "12 contains the numbers 1 and 2, just like the toilet yesterday where someone went number 2 instead of number 1. Add 1 and 2 with 9/11 and you get 914. Drop the 4 and its 91; exactly the score Kyle got on his spelling test 12 days after 9/11! WHO HAD THE MOST TO GAIN FROM 9/11? KYLE! WHO WAS NO WHERE TO BE FOUND THE MORNING THE TOWERS FELL? KYLE! WHO DROPPED A DEUCE IN THE URINAL? KYLE! But probably the most damnning of all: is the evidence seen in this photo of tower two. When I zoomed in I saw what first appeared to be a blur, but when I computer enhanced it... [Cartman displays a blury picture of smoke with a hand-drawn computer image of Kyle with a knife overlayed onto it] You almost got away with it, you sneaky butt-hole."
  • Kyle: "Anybody who thinks 9/11 was a conspiracy is a retard."
    Cartman: "Oh, really? Well, did you know that over one-fourth of people in America believe 9/11 was a conspiracy? Are you saying that one-fourth of Americans are retards?"
    Kyle: "Yes, I'm saying one-fourth of Americans are retards."
    Stan: "Yeah, at least one-fourth."
  • Mr. Mackey: "Oh so you think that's funny? Well let me assure you there is nothing funny about going up to a nice clean unsuspecting urinal, M'kay, dropping your pants and then turning around, squatting over that urinal, M'kay, maybe pulling your butt cheeks apart with your hands, M'kay, and then laying out a big fudge dragon for all the world to see."
  • Kyle (After the secret of the conspiracy is known): "So who caused the 9/11 attacks?"
    Stan: "Dude, a bunch of pissed off Muslims."
    Hardly Boy: "Yeah, what are you retarded?"
    (everyone in the room laughs at Kyle)
  • 9/11 Researcher: "You won't get away with it! People know--"
    George W. Bush: "People? You mean sheeple."
  • (Dick Cheney attempts to shoot Stan and Kyle, he misses and hits the fire alarm instead)
    George W. Bush: "Oh for Christ's sake Dick!"
  • Hardly Boy: "I got such a raging clue that I almost shot clue goo all over Joe."

External links

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