Álvares de Azevedo

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Álvares de Azevedo

Manuel Antônio Álvares de Azevedo (born September 12, 1831 in São Paulo , † April 25, 1852 in Rio de Janeiro ) was a Brazilian writer.

Azevedo was the greatest exponent in Brazilian Black Romantic literature by Lord Byron . He graduated from the Law Faculty of the University of São Paulo . Azevedo died at the age of 20.


After his death, Álvares de Azevedo gave its name to seat 2 (Cadeira) of the Academia Brasileira de Letras , the Brazilian Academy of Literature, founded in 1897 based on the model of the Académie Française . He is one of the so-called "immortals" (imortais) of the academy. The first chair owner (1897-1934) was the founding member Coelho Neto .


Due to his early death, works were only published posthumously.

  • 1853 Lira dos Vinte Anos. (Collection of poems) Online text on Wikisource (Portuguese)
  • 1855 Macário. (Acting) Online text on Wikisource (Portuguese)
  • 1855 Noite na Taverna. (Short stories) Online text on Wikisource (Portuguese)
  • 1886 O Conde Lopo. (Epic poem, only fragmentarily preserved)
Modern editions
  • Teatro de Àlvares de Azevedo. Martins Fontes, São Paulo 2002, ISBN 85-336-1575-2 . Contains: macario; Noite na taverna.
  • Poesias completas. UNICAMP, Campinas 2002, ISBN 85-268-0430-8 .
  • Obra completa. Ed. Nova Aguilar, Rio de Janeiro 2000, ISBN 85-210-0058-8 . ( Biblioteca luso-brasileira. Série brasileira ).


  • Cilaine Alves: O belo eo disforme. Álvares de Azevedo ea ironia romântica. EDUSP, São Paulo 1998, ISBN 85-314-0439-8 ( limited preview in Google Book Search).
  • Rafael Fava Belúzio: Uma lira de duas cordas. O ritmo como elemento construtivo da binomia de Lira dos vinte anos. Scriptum, Belo Horizonte 2015, ISBN 978-85-89044-88-2 .

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