Álvaro de Navia Osorio y Vigil

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Don Álvaro Navia-Osorio y Vigil

Don Álvaro Navia-Osorio y Vigil, the third Marquis Santa Cruz de Marcenado (* 1684 in Santa Maria de Vega , Asturias , † 1732 in Oran , Algeria ) was a Spanish diplomat , general and military writer; he fell in 1732 during a military operation near Oran in North Africa . At the time of his death, he was the Spanish governor in Orange, fighting an uprising against Spain supported by Ottoman troops.

From 1726 to 1730 Santa Cruz de Marcenado wrote seven volumes of Military Reflections , published in Turin and Paris . One of these volumes deals in particular with the prevention of and counterinsurgency . Santa Cruz was probably the first author to systematically devote himself to this subject, and it is a tragic irony that he was just killed while fighting insurgency in a Spanish colony in North Africa.


  • Reflexiones Militares (Turin: Juan Francisco Mairesse, 1724–1727 and Paris: Simon Langlois, 1730)
  • An excellent, abridged version of his works can be found in Zanthier, Friedrich Wilhelm v .: Freyer Excerpt from the Marquis de Santa Cruz de Marzenado, Thoughts on war and state affairs, along with an attempt on the art of studying war. (Göttingen and Gotha: 1775)


  • Beatrice Heuser: "Santa Cruz de Marcenado", in: Thomas Jäger, Rasmus Beckmann (eds.): Handbuch Kriegstheorien , Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, Wiesbaden 2011, pp. 191–197.