Ángel Vázquez Hernández

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Ángel Vázquez Hernández (born March 14, 1968 in Zafra ) is a Spanish politician, founding member and, since September 2010, after Carlos Ayala Vargas, the second chairman of the Spanish Partido Pirata (PIRATA), the local pirate party .

Vázquez works as a secondary school teacher and teaches in particular physics and chemistry .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. http://zafraonline.com/anvazher/ (different content)
  2. ^ Estructura - Junta Directiva Nacional (JDN) , Partido Pirata.
  3. David Ballota: Ángel Vázquez, nuevo Presidente del Partido Pirata español ( Memento of November 16, 2011 in the Internet Archive ), September 19, 2010.
  4. ^ Presidente: Ángel Vázquez Hernández , January 6, 2011.