CV Venus 5300

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CV Venus 5300
CSAV Suape (ship, 2009) 001.jpg
Ship data
Ship type Container Ship
Shipping company Buss shipping company, Leer
Order June 30, 2006
Shipyard Zhejiang Ouhua Shipbuilding, Zhoushan, China
Construction period 2008 to 2010
Units built 4th
Cruising areas Worldwide trip
Ship dimensions and crew
294.13 m ( Lüa )
283.19 m ( Lpp )
width 32.20 m
Side height 21.60 m
Draft Max. 13.61 m
measurement 52,700 GT
32,600 NRZ
crew 30th
Machine system
machine 1 × Wärtsilä Sulzer 7RT-flex 96C seven-cylinder two-stroke diesel engine
performanceTemplate: Infobox ship / maintenance / service format
44,040 kW (59,878 hp)
25.0 kn (46 km / h)
propeller 1 × fixed propeller
Transport capacities
Load capacity 64,500 dw
Container 5301 TEU
Connections for refrigerated containers 1200
Classifications Germanic Lloyd

The four units of the type CV Venus 5300 of the Leer-based shipping company Buss are the container ships with the largest container capacity of the Panamax size.


The series was built by the Chinese shipyard Zhejiang Ouhua Shipbuilding in Zhoushan from mid-2008, and four ships were delivered by mid-2010. The client for the series was the Buss shipping company based in Leer. The commissioning shipping company designed the ships in cooperation with the design office Neptun - Stahlstruktions Gesellschaft and the shipyard. At Buss, the ships were in service until 2015, after which Peter Döhle from Hamburg took over the ships. All ships of the type are used in the liner service of the Chilean shipping company Compañía Sud Americana de Vapores (CSAV).


The panamax-sized double-hulled ships differ from the majority of conventional container ships of the same size due to a number of innovations and details. The deckhouse is arranged far forward, which enables an improved line of sight and thus a higher forward deck loading. Among other things, the bunker tanks are arranged below the superstructure in order to meet the latest MARPOL regulations. The powerful drive system with the two-stroke diesel main engine type Doosan-Wärtsilä 7RT-flex 96C (Sulzer design) arranged as far aft as possible is also outstanding. In addition to an emergency generator with 475 kW, three diesel generators with 5760 kW each, one with 5130 kW and a shaft generator with 3223 kW are available for electrical energy supply . The holds of the ships are closed with pontoon hatch covers. The ships have a maximum container capacity of 5301 TEU, with an average container weight of fourteen tons, the capacity is reduced to 3360 units. There are also 1200 connections for integral refrigerated containers , 545 of which can be stowed in the hold.

The ships

Four identical ships of the series were launched:

Venus 5300
Building name /
shipping company name
IMO number Keel laying,
Client Renaming and whereabouts
Medondra /
Choapa Trader
515 9407885 June 30, 2008
November 28, 2008
June 4, 2009
Buss CSAV Rio de Janeiro (2009) → Choapa Trader (2013) → Bernadette (2013) → so in motion
Medbaffin /
Sonche Trader
516 9437048 June 30, 2008
March 30, 2009
September 12, 2009
Buss CSAV Suape (2009) → Sonche Trader (2013) → Blandine (2017) → so in motion
Mederie /
Amazon Trader
517 9437050 June 30, 2008
July 11, 2009
January 25, 2010
Buss CSAV Recife (2010) → Amazonas Trader (2015) → Barbara (2015) → so in motion
Medsuperior /
Vargas Trader
518 9437062 June 30, 2008
November 6, 2009
May 17, 2010
Buss CSAV Brasilia (2010) → Balbina (2015) → so in motion
Data: Equasis, large tonnage

Individual evidence

  1. a b DNV GL: Bernadette . Retrieved December 24, 2017.
  2. Register at containership-info (English)
  3. Ralf Witthohn: Capacity is approaching 20,000 TEU in Schiff & Hafen No. 10, Vol. 65, October 2013, pp. 28–33.
  4. DNV GL: Blandine . Retrieved December 24, 2017.
  5. DNV GL: Barbarra . Retrieved December 24, 2017.
  6. DNV GL: Balbina . Retrieved December 24, 2017.
  7. Equasis homepage (English)
  8. grosstonnage homepage (English)

Web links