Edouard Collignon

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Édouard Charles Romain Collignon (born March 28, 1831 in Laval (Mayenne) , † August 11, 1913 ) was a French engineer.

Collignon studied at the École polytechnique from 1849 and was civil engineer in the civil service, from 1878 as general inspector for roads and bridges (Ponts et chaussées).

From 1857 to 1962 he was involved in the construction of Russian railways (St. Petersburg to Warsaw and Nizhny Novgorod to Moscow).

He was professor of mechanics at the École des Ponts et chaussées and of mechanics and analysis at the École préparatoire.

He also published on mechanics, astronomy, and mathematics. A map projection (Collignon projection), which he published in 1865, is named after him.

In 1891 he was president of the Société mathématique de France . In 1881 he received the Prix Dlamont. He was a founding member of the Association française pour l'avancement des sciences.


  • Cours élémentaire de mécanique (statique), Hachette 1869
  • Les Machines, Hachette 1873, 1882
  • Cours de mécanique appliquée aux constructions, Dunod 1869/70
  • Les chemins de fer russes de 1857 à 1862, Dunod 1864
  • Traité de mécanique, Hachette 1885 to 1891

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Individual evidence

  1. ^ Pseudocylindrical projections