Óscar Marroquín

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Óscar Marroquín ( 1924 - September 30, 2010 in Guatemala ) (full name: Óscar Jesús Marroquín Milla ) was a Guatemalan journalist and politician .


Born as the eldest son of the founder of the Guatemalan newspaper La Hora and former Vice President and Minister of Agriculture of Guatemala, Clemente Marroquín Rojas and Carmen Milla Valenzuela , Marroquín has worked in the journalistic field since the 1950s. He was the father of ten children, some of whom also pursue journalistic activities in the Guatemalan press. His son Gonzalo Fernando Marroquín is editor-in-chief of the Prensa Libre newspaper . His two sons Juan Carlos Marroquín and Luis Marroquín hold the position of president and director of the daily newspaper Siglo Veintiuno . Marroquín was director of the magazines he founded, Impacto and La Hora Dominical . He also founded the Guatemalan journalists' association Asociación de Periodistas de Guatemala (APG) and the Cámara Guatemalteca de Periodismo . As part of his political career, he was elected as a member of the Congreso de la República for two terms . In 1965 he was also a member of the constituent national assembly Asamblea Nacional Constituyente . He was also president of the two banks Banco Nacional Agrario (now Banrural ) and Crédito Hipotecario Nacional . He died on September 30, 2010 as a result of heart failure .


  • Botón de Oro "Pedro Julio García" (2009)

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