Valdaora Public Library

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Valdaora Public Library
Logo library Olang

Duration 8,700 (as of December 31, 2017)
Library type Public library
place Olang coordinates: 46 ° 45 ′ 33.6 "  N , 12 ° 1 ′ 56.8"  EWorld icon
operator Olang municipality
management Doris Grüner

The Olang library is a public library in the South Tyrolean municipality of Olang and has been run full-time since 1999. It is located in the multi-purpose building in Mitterolang next to the congress center.

inside view

How it all started

In 1956 the public library in Oberolang was founded on the initiative of Erna Schnarf. The library consisted only of a bookcase, which was opened on Sundays after the service. A small amount was collected for the loan, with which new books were purchased. At that time, library users were almost exclusively older people, which is why primarily homeland novels were purchased. A few years later, the public library in the old parish hall was continued, the then head of the tourist office occasionally also took over the lending. For reasons of space, however, the books soon had to move to the basement. With the construction of the congress house (1970–71) the library was moved there and merged with the school library. Since 1999 the library has been housed in the new premises of the multi-purpose building. To mark its 15th anniversary, a special series of anniversary events was organized in October 2014 with readings and events for young and old.

Media inventory and usage

Around 8,700 media are available for loan. In 2017 the library was visited by around 15,000 people who made over 29,000 loans. The media inventory consists of:

number Media type
7,412 Books
600 DVDs
143 Audio books
221 Music CDs
132 PC and console games
156 Games
50 Magazine title

special offers

Event activities for children, adolescents and adults, two internet workstations, WiFi, free internet access, copier options, compilation of book packages, testing and borrowing of e-book readers, testing an iPad in the library, participation in the district-wide DVD, audio book and console ring

Web links

See also