Eco center

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The Ökozentrum (founded as the Center for Adapted Technology and Social Ecology , formerly known as the Ökozentrum Langenbruck ) is a research and educational institution based in Langenbruck , Baselland . The activities of the Ökozentrum are divided into the two departments Research and Development and Education and Society. The focus is on research into renewable energies and the development of innovative technologies for environmental and climate protection.

The educational offer includes the sensitization of children, adolescents and adults in experience-oriented courses for economical energy consumption and sustainable consumption. Since it was founded in 1980, visionary and practical solutions for a resource-neutral future have been developed at the Ökozentrum.

The competencies in the research and development department include electromobility, battery storage solutions, decentralized and intelligent electricity production in buildings and neighborhoods, thermal power coupling, use of lean gas, biochar production, combustion technologies and the testing of energy technology systems, as well as the programming of complex controls and measurement and regulation technology.

A branch of the research department is committed to development cooperation in the area of ​​food processing, specifically for the testing and construction of heat pump dryers for the preservation of food. The education sector supports communities, schools, companies and private organizations in the implementation of education and communication projects.

Establishment and supporting foundation

The sponsoring foundation of the SATS (Foundation for Adapted Technology and Social Ecology) was founded in 1979 by Willy Bierter, Pierre Fornallaz and Hans Steinemann. In 1980 the eco center, which implements the foundation's goals operationally, started its work in Langenbruck.

Prizes and awards

  • 1986: Environmental protection technology award from Ford Motor Company (Switzerland)
  • 1986: Recognition of the successful energetic building renovation of the eco center
  • 1987: Prix Toni of the "hand care to umwält" foundation
  • 1987: 1st prize for research in the field of low-pollutant wood combustion
  • 1987: Prognos Prize
  • 1987: Appreciation of the pioneering initiatives of the Langenbruck Eco Center
  • 1988: Golden slate of the Board of Trustees for Youth and Business for the book “The Ecological Economy” by Prof. Pierre Fornallaz †, co-founder of the Ökozentrum
  • 1988: German Energy Prize of the German Energy Society for the contribution to energy concepts
  • 1991: Cantonal Bank Prize from the Basellandschaftliche Kantonalbank
  • 1991: Appreciation of the forward-looking initiatives of the eco-center
  • 1992: Swiss Solar Prize from the Swiss Solar Agency Foundation, Zurich.
  • 1992: Award for the "father of solar energy in Switzerland", Pierre Fornallaz †, co-founder of the Ökozentrum
  • 1994: Prize of the Swiss Environment Council for the repair manager in both Frenkentäler valleys
  • 1994: Predicate "particularly innovative and with a great multiplier effect"
  • 1994: Prix Toni of the "hand care to umwält" foundation
  • 1994: Recognition award for repair guides in both Frenkentäler valleys, created in cooperation with the regional working group on waste management in both Frenkentäler BL
  • 1995: Mouchot Prize, European Solar Energy Association Eurosolar
  • 1995: Award for Pierre Fornallaz, co-founder of the eco-center
  • 1999: "Prix eta" of the Swiss electricity industry, the ETH Board, the newspaper "Cash" and the IWB Basel
  • 1999: Energy innovation award for the revitalization of the small hydropower plant Cormoret (BE) with the help of the unemployed
  • 2000: Prize from the Foundation for Special Achievements in Environmental Protection, Lucerne
  • 2005: "Swiss Mountain Water Award" from the competence network for water in mountain areas to the revita foundation for the universal turbine project for open and closed water supply systems.
  • 2007: UNESCO recognition of the sustainability nature trail in Basel and the triCO2lor simulation game as a project for the World Decade of Education for Sustainable Development in Switzerland
  • 2008: UNESCO recognition of the triCO2lor simulation game as a project for the World Decade of Education for Sustainable Development in Switzerland
  • 2011: The smile is awarded at the WAVE'11.
  • 2013: KonsumGLOBAL was recognized as an “activity of the UN World Decade of Education for Sustainable Development” by the Swiss Commission for UNESCO
  • 2013: Awarding of the Energy Globe and the Zurich Climate Prize to the KonsumGLOBAL project
  • 2013: Award for the "Cooking Consciously!" Project with the factor 5 price

by sun21

  • 2014: The Swiss Environment Prize honors the Ökozentrum's longstanding commitment with a recognition award
  • 2014: The Energy Experience Days are recognized by the Swiss UNESCO Commission as an “activity of the UN World Decade of Education for Sustainable Development”.
  • 2015: Audience award of the voting platform (an initiative of EnergieSchweiz) for the idea of ​​the ride-sharing APP Go Local!

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Prizes and awards -