Ecumenical learning

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The term ecumenical learning describes learning about foreign cultures while simultaneously dealing with the topic of ecumenism . Similar to intercultural learning , ecumenical learning is not primarily about imparting knowledge , but is understood as learning with and from other people. Ecumenical learning is used in the integration of migrants .


The goals of ecumenical learning are:

These can be viewed as steps that build on one another.


Ecumenical learning is part of global learning , which aims to address the complex interrelationships of world society and enable people to act in solidarity. Ecumenical learning is the interconfessional the interreligious and intercultural learning , the development education and the education for sustainable development and peace education connected.

In the evangelical context, ecumenical learning acquired a special significance in the framework of the “ conciliar process ” that began at the assembly of the World Council of Churches (WCC) in Vancouver in 1983.


  • Heinrich Dauber , Werner Simpfendörfer: Own household and inhabited world. Ecological and ecumenical learning in the "One World" . Wuppertal 1981, ISBN 3-87294-181-X .
  • Klaus Goßmann (Ed.) Ecumenical learning in the community . With the collaboration of D. Friederici, F. Grau, I. Lembke, K. Onnach and E. Spengler, Comenius Institute Münster, Gütersloh 1988, ISBN 3-579-02826-X .
  • Monika Scheidler: The Didactics of Ecumenical Learning - Using the Example in Secondary School . Lit-Verlag, Münster 1999, ISBN 3-8258-4337-8 ( scan from GoogleBooks)
  • Harry Noormann, Ulrich Becker, Bernd Trocholepczy : Ecumenical workbook religious education . Kohlhammer Verlag, 2nd edition 2004, ISBN 3-17-018326-5 .
  • Dirk Oesselmann, Gert Rüppell, Peter Schreiner : Impulses for the conceptual further development of ecumenical learning . Comenius Institute, Münster 2008.

Individual evidence

  1. See Scheidler: Didaktik , 1999, p. 15
  2. See Oesselmann, Rüpell, Schreiner, p. 4
  3. See Oesselmann, Rüpell, Schreiner, p. 5

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