Ecumenical Network of Youth Churches

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The Ecumenical Network for Youth Churches is an association of youth churches from Germany and Austria . The network founded on September 14, 2006 in Frankfurt am Main would like to promote the idea of ​​youth churches and support youth church projects (reciprocally).


The network has given itself the following tasks:

  • Development of self-image and standards of the member youth churches
  • Do lobby work for the youth churches
  • Enable and initiate concrete cooperation between youth churches
  • Support youth churches in concept development
  • Promote professional and collegial exchange
  • advise on financial matters
  • Organize advanced training courses and specialist conferences


In addition to the member youth churches, the network also has a speaker group consisting of four people. The speakers should have equal representation in terms of gender and denomination. The network is supported by the office for youth pastoral care of the German Bishops' Conference (afj) and the working group of Protestant youth in Germany (aej).

Member youth churches

The following youth churches are currently members of the ecumenical network:

Web links