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Čojč [ʧɔɪ̯ʧ] is a suitcase word from Česky (Czech) and German , the spelling of which follows the conventions of the written Czech language. It describes a hybrid artificial language made up of German and Czech , which is used in the projects of the theater network ČOJČ, which has been organizing youth encounters with theater pedagogy in the Bavarian-Bohemian border region since 2003. This form of cross-border encounter is also called čojč.

The non-profit Cojc gGmbH Theaternetzwerk Böhmen Bayern has existed since July 2010 and coordinates the network's projects.


The first German-Czech theater projects in Nuremberg were carried out in 1998 as part of the city partnership between Nuremberg and Prague under the leadership of the theater pedagogical center DAS Ei Nuremberg.

In 2000 the TPZ DAS Ei organized a first autumn conference in Selb / Asch to develop a new kind of participation approach. As a result, this annual conference developed into a place for planning and networking theater projects in the Bavarian-Bohemian border region, which soon changed from the initially static location to a more flexible format with changing venues along the Czech-German border . It has been taking place under the name Čojčlandská Conference since 2007 , most recently in Ensdorf in autumn 2018.

In 2002, former project participants founded the A Basta os association in Prague with the aim of promoting and organizing Czech-German youth encounters in the Czech Republic. The čojč concept, which combines youth exchange, theater projects and language mixing, was created in close cooperation between DAS Ei and A Basta. Since 2002 all cross-border measures and projects have been carried out under the responsibility of DAS Ei and A Basta, taking into account the application and further development of the čojč language and encounter concept.

A stable network was finally formed through the various project formats, which was able to establish itself as a cultural institution in the Bohemian-Bavarian border region through voluntary commitment , primarily from former project participants and cooperation with schools, cultural and youth centers and municipalities. In 2010 both associations founded the non-profit cojc gGmbH, which has been responsible for implementing all čojč projects since then.

Form of encounter

Čojč as a form of encounter tries to overcome linguistic and cultural barriers between the neighboring countries of Germany and the Czech Republic in binational youth encounters. The medium of encounter is usually a play that the participating young people develop under pedagogical guidance, write down and perform themselves in the artificial language čojč. The resulting pieces will be shown primarily at schools in the Bavarian-Bohemian border region in order to initiate discussions on intercultural issues and to point out perspectives for cross-border cooperation in this relatively structurally weak region.

As pedagogical instructional instruments, theater pedagogical methods are used for the use of group dynamic processes, topic finding and piece development, as well as forms of speech animation . In intercultural encounter work, the German-Czech language animation developed by the Coordination Center for German-Czech Youth Exchange Tandem has proven its worth, while Čojč is used more as a linguistic instrument in the stage context.

Hybrid artificial language

Čojč also describes an artificial language that is created with the help of grammatical and lexical creativity as a mixture between Czech and German. Its aim is to avoid linguistic barriers in Czech-German youth encounters and, in the context of a theater language, to create a play that is equally understandable for people with German and Czech mother tongues.

Characteristics of Čojč as a language are:

  • Word formation by Germanisms in Czech (e.g. ruksak, fusakle, špacírovat) and internationalisms (e.g. kopírovat, telefon) or by hybrid words from two phonetically similar words, often with a German stem and Czech ending (e.g. onion, thank you).
  • No standardization , especially the vocabulary manifests itself anew depending on the project context.
  • Question-and-answer pattern, i.e. alternately related Czech and German sentences ( Jak se máš? - Thank you, I'm fine. ) Or hybrid sentences that contain almost every word in Czech and German ( Move boundaries hranicemi with divadlem Theater hýbat ) .

Topics, projects and activities

The topics that are dealt with in a dramatic manner are both specifically located in the Bavarian-Bohemian border region and they have general components relevant to young people. The theater workshops and projects are methodologically divided into two parts: language projects with audience interaction, which place value on language animation and intercultural aspects of German-Czech youth encounters, and documentary projects with a local historical reference or starting point.

In addition to theater education projects, the network regularly carries out qualification measures for networkers and interested parties, for example in the areas of creative writing, video / image documentation, intercultural project work and language-conveying education.

Promotion and Awards

The Čojč Theater Network Bohemia Bavaria supports itself through the voluntary commitment of its members and participants. The projects themselves are financially supported by EU funds, federal funds, foundation funds and local grants.

In 2011, the first of two funding applications from the INTERREG Objective 3 program Free State of Bavaria-Czech Republic entitled "Movement at the Border" was approved. In 2014 the network received funding approval for the follow-up application "Open borders, new messengers".

In 2010 the network was awarded the bridge builder prize of the Centrum Bavaria Bohemia in the category of cultural initiatives / partner projects / associations.

In 2012, Cojc gGmbH received the Bavarian State Parliament's Citizens' Culture Prize.


  • Nicolas Engel: Support networking. Evaluation report on the development of the German-Czech network COJCLAND. Networking theater education . Erlangen 2008
  • Florian Förster: The theater language Čojč - interlanguage or hybrid language? Master thesis. University of Regensburg 2013
  • Rosalin Hertrich: Theater in the third room - performative action as part of culture in geographical border areas: examined using the example of the German-Czech youth theater project "Wüsten". Master thesis. University of Erlangen 2009

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. cf. Förster 2013, p. 13
  2. cf. Network motto on http://cojc.eu/
  3. ^ Bridge builders 2010 - Award ceremony and winners - Udílení cen Stavitel mostů 2010
  4. Citizens' Culture Prize: Theater Project COJC . Report of the online magazine of the Bavarian State Parliament.