Əliəddin Abbasov

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Əliəddin Dəyyan oğlu Abbasov ( Russian : Алиаддин Дайян оглы Аббасов , English transcription Aliaddin Dayyan oglu Abbasov ; * 1. August 1952 in Bənəniyar , Nakhichevan Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic , Azerbaijan Soviet Socialist Republic ) is a Azerbaijani chemist , which in the field of sorption research.

Life and accomplishments

Əliəddin Abbasov was born on August 1, 1952 in the village of Bənəniyar, which is now part of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic . In 1969 he graduated from high school and began to work as a chemist in his home village and in Xanağa , where he worked as a teacher at the secondary school in Xanağa from 1974 to 1977. From 1977 he deepened his education at the graduate school of the Institute for Inorganic and Physical Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences of the Azerbaijani Soviet Socialist Republic . From 1993 to 2002 Abbasov was the director of the Nakhichevan Regional Science Center and in 2003, after the establishment of the branch of the National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan in Nakhchivan, he took over the management of the local Institute for Natural Resources. In addition to his research, Abbasov teaches chemistry at Nakhchivan State University .

Abbasov's research focuses on investigations of the ion exchange properties of organic and inorganic sorbents with regard to kinetic and thermodynamic aspects, the determination of functional groups of sorbents and the conditions for the equilibrium of sorbent-sorbate compounds. On June 30, 2014 Abbasov was appointed a corresponding member of the National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan.

Works (selection)

  • AD Abbasov, MS Mamedova, MT Mamedova, MM Jafarli: The Obtainment of Selective Concentrates from the Flotation of Lead-Zinc Ores . In: European Science and Technology . Materials of the International Research and Practice Conference, Wiesbaden, January 31st, 2012. Bildungszentrum Rodnik eV, Wiesbaden 2012, ISBN 978-3-9811753-1-8 , pp. 62–65 (English, sciencic.com [PDF; 27.5 MB ; accessed on May 12, 2018]).
  • AD Abbasov, MM Jafarli, FS Memedova, FF Heyderova: Thermodynamic characteristics of sorption of metal ions by ion exchangers . In: Вестник Томского государственного университета. Химия . No. 1 (3), 2016, p. 71-78 , doi : 10.17223 / 24135542/3/7 (English).
  • M Jafarli, A. Abbasov: Ion-Exchange properties of Diaion Cr 11, Amberlite Irc 748, and Dowex M 4195 . In: Journal of the Turkish Chemical Society . Section A: Chemistry. VOl. 4, No. 1, 2017, p. 449–462 , doi : 10.18596 / jotcsa.37004 (English, gov.tr [accessed on May 12, 2018]).
  • AD Abbasov, FS Mamedova: The Equilibrium, Kinetics and Thermodynamics of Cu 2+ , Zn 2+ , Cd 2+ and Pb 2+ Sorption in Sorbents with Different Functional Groups . In: American Journal of Modern Physics . Vol. 7, No. 1, 2018, p. 14–20 , doi : 10.11648 / j.ajmp.20180701.12 (English).


  • Abbasov, Əliəddin Dəyyan oğlu . In: Naxçıvan Ensiklopediyası . Cild 1. Naxçıvan 2005, ISBN 5-8066-1468-9 , p. 9 (Azerbaijani, bsu.az [PDF; 25.7 MB ; accessed on May 12, 2018]).
  • 30 iyun 2014-cü ildə Azarbaycan Milli Elmlər Akademiyasının həqiqi və müxbir üzvlüyünə seçkilər keçirilmişdir . In: Elmi ‐ kütləvi jurnal . No. 03 (07) , 2014, p. 122–123 (Azerbaijani, elmdunyasi.com [PDF; 23.9 MB ; accessed on May 12, 2018]).
  • AMEA-nın müxbir üzvü Əliəddin Abbasovun 65 yaşı tamam olur. In: Azerbaycan Milli Elmler Akademiyasi. July 31, 2017, Retrieved May 12, 2018 (Azerbaijani).

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