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In mathematics, σ-continuity is a property of set functions , i.e. functions that take sets as arguments ("input") rather than points. A distinction is made between σ-continuity from below (or short continuity from below), σ-continuity from above (or short continuity from above) and continuity . These types of continuity play a role in stochastics and measure theory , where they belong to the elementary properties of probability measures and measures .


A quantity ring is given on which a content is explained.

The set function is then called

  • σ-continuous from below in , if for every monotonically increasing set sequence off is always .
  • σ-continuous from above in , if for every monotonically decreasing set sequence out with is always for all .

Her name is now

  • σ-continuous from below if it is σ-continuous from below for all .
  • σ-continuous from above if it is σ-continuous from above for all .
  • -continuous if it is continuous from above in the empty set .

The definitions apply identically to the more specific standard case of a measure on a σ-algebra .


In the case of finite set functions such as probability measures and finite measures , the finiteness criterion can be dispensed with when defining the σ-continuity from above, since is always . In the general case, however, this is not possible. For example, consider the set function

defined by


the so-called counting measure ( here denotes the set of elements in the set ) is the set sequence

falling against the empty crowd, but it is



The continuity of a set function is an important tool in many proofs, since it allows one to infer the approximation of the function values ​​from the approximation of the sets. In addition, it can be used to specify equivalent characterizations of the σ-additivity of content and thus criteria under which these premeasures are and can thus be continued to measure.
