.458 Winchester Magnum

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.458 Winchester Magnum
458 Winchester Magnum
general information
caliber .458 Winchester Magnum
11.66 × 63.5 mm
Sleeve shape Rimless with pull-out groove with belt
Floor ⌀ 11.66 mm
Cartridge bottom ⌀ 13.51 mm
Sleeve length 63.5 mm
Cartridge length 84.84 mm
Bullet weight 22.68-33.05 g
Technical specifications
Speed ​​v 0 622-755 m / s
Bullet energy E 0 6090-6898 J.
Lists on the subject

The .458 Winchester Magnum cartridge is a powerful rifle cartridge for large game.


.458 Winchester Magnum

The .458 Winchester Magnum is the first representative of the Winchester Magnums . It is based on the .375 Magnum belt sleeve from Holland & Holland, which has been expanded to 11.6 mm and shortened to 63.5 mm. To clarify: A belt sleeve does not find the correct closure distance over the shoulder, such as bottle sleeves, or the edge of the sleeve, such as edge sleeves, but via the belt, which is located on the sleeve above the pull-out groove. In 1956 the .458 Winch. Mag. Presented with the Winchester Model 70 African repeating rifle. The projectile energy is, depending on the projectile weight, approx. 6000–7000 joules, with a muzzle velocity of 622–755 m / s. For more related cartridges, see the Winchester Magnum Cartridge List .

Web links

Commons : .458 Winchester Magnum  - Collection of images, videos, and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. CIP 458 Win. Mag. (PDF, 34.4 kB) ( Memento from September 30, 2017 in the Internet Archive )
  2. .458 Winchester Magnum at reloadbench.com ( Memento from January 10, 2014 in the Internet Archive )