2M (beer)

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Logo of the beer brand 2M

2M (actually Mac-Mahon) is a beer brand and brewery from Mozambique . It belongs to the Mozambican brewery group Cervejas de Moçambique (CDM), which is in turn a SABMiller subsidiary. 2M is the market leader in Mozambique.


Founded in 1932 in the capital Lourenço Marques (now Maputo ), Laurentina was the undisputed market leader in the Portuguese colony of Mozambique and was already exporting to South Africa . In addition, Mozambique's economic growth generally picked up speed and the number of tourists visiting from South Africa increased steadily. As early as 1959, the Manica brewery in Beira was a second brewery in the country.

In this scenario, Mac-Mahon, the capital's second brewery, was founded in 1962. It was named after the French marshal Patrice de Mac-Mahon , who in 1875 decided in favor of Portugal in the dispute between Great Britain and Portugal over Maputo Bay as a mediator. The brewery and its beer subsequently became known as 2M. While Laurentina was previously the beer of the wealthier and more upscale circles, 2M became popular as a more popular beer.

After the proclamation of independence and the People's Republic of Mozambique in 1975 and the restructuring of the planned economy, all breweries were nationalized. Particularly after the outbreak of the Mozambican civil war in 1977, the supply of the Laurentina brewery with the higher quality raw materials it needed largely came to a standstill, and Laurentina could hardly be produced. 2M, on the other hand, had to struggle with fewer restrictions and was able to continue producing more comprehensively. In the period between 1976 and 1992, 2M was even mostly sold without a label and could only be recognized by the crown cap . As a result, thanks to the circumstances, 2M became the undisputed market leader.

After the end of the People's Republic in 1990 and the reorganization of the market economy that began, the government formed a new company from the breweries of 2M and Manica in 1995 and privatized them as Cervejas de Moçambique (CDM). The international brewing group SABMiller with roots in South Africa acquired a 49.1% stake . He also took over the operational management of the company.

The CDM also took over Laurentina in 2001, but continued to run all brands. Since then, 2M's market share has declined due to the renewed growth of the other brands. The beer was able to maintain itself as the market leader.

Web links

Commons : 2M (beer)  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. a b c Duas cervejas que contam a história de Moçambique - “Two beers that tell the story of Mozambique” , article from August 18, 2012 in the Portuguese newspaper Diário de Notícias , accessed on November 20, 2016
  2. a b c Anciã das cervejas (moçambicanas) across “viver” mais 80 anos - “Ancestor of beers (in Mozambique) would like to" experience "another 80 years" , article from December 13, 2012 in the Mozambican newspaper @Verdade , accessed on 20 November 2016
  3. Article from October 18, 2012 about curiosities of the Mozambican beer market on the private website of a Brazilian expatriate in Mozambique, accessed on November 20, 2016