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Aïklos ( ancient Greek Ἄικλος ) is an Attic hero of Greek mythology .

He is the brother of Ellops and Kothos and was considered the founder of the city of Eretria on the island of Euboia , his brother Kothos was considered to be the founder of the nearby city of Chalkis . Plutarch names Xuthos as the father of the two.

In contrast to other traditions, the grammarian Stephanos of Byzantium states that Aïklos and Kothos are together the founders of the Euboan city of Eleutheris .



  1. Strabon 7, 321; 10, 445-447.
  2. Velleius Paterculus 1, 4.
  3. Skymnos 575
  4. Plutarch Quaestiones Graecae 22.
  5. Stephanos of Byzantium sv Ἐλευθερίς