Aloysius Ignatius Maria Keulemans

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Aloysius Ignatius Maria Keulemans , called Lou Keulemans, (born June 21, 1908 in Rotterdam , † February 10, 1977 in Prague ) was a Dutch chemist and pioneer of gas chromatography .


Keulemans studied mathematics at the University of Leiden , graduating in 1932. He then worked for an insurance company, before becoming unemployed after a company merger and studying chemical engineering at the TH Delft . After graduating in 1938, he worked at the laboratories of Royal Dutch Shell in Amsterdam and received his doctorate in 1942 at the TU Delft under Frans Scheffer ( Isomerisatie en thermodynamische stabiliteit van koolwaterstoffen ). Since the university was closed under German occupation, the official doctorate took place in Amsterdam in 1945. In 1958 he became a professor at the TU Eindhoven , which he made into a center of gas chromatography and educated. Among other things, he brought Josef Franz Karl Huber to Eindhoven.

He turned to gas chromatography after a research stay with Archer John Porter Martin at the Medical Research Council in London in 1952. His textbook, published in 1957, was well known. He undertook both basic research and the development of instruments and technology for gas chromatography. From him comes the first convincing confirmation of JJ van Deemter's theory . He presented the results in 1956 at an international symposium.

He was active in the exchange of scientists between East and West. In the mid-1970s he retired from research and teaching for health reasons and settled in Prague .


  • Gas chromatography . Reinhold Publ., 1957, 2nd edition 1959
    • German edition: Gas-Chromatographie, Verlag Chemie 1959
  • Practical instrumental analysis . Elsevier, 1965.


  • Aloysius Ignatius Maria Keulemans . In: Winfried Pötsch, Annelore Fischer, Wolfgang Müller: Lexicon of important chemists . Harri Deutsch, 1989.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Aloysius Ignatius Maria Keulemans in the Mathematics Genealogy Project (English)Template: MathGenealogyProject / Maintenance / id used
  2. biographical data, publications and Academic pedigree of Aloysius IM Keulemans at, accessed on January 1, 2018th