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A Jordanian YBR-765 infantry fighting vehicle in 2014

A Jordanian YBR-765 infantry fighting vehicle in 2014

General properties
crew 3 (commander, driver, gunner) + 7 infantrymen
length 5.26 m
width 2.82 m
height 2.79 m
Dimensions 13.7 t
Armor and armament
Armor classified
Main armament 1 × 25 mm Oerlikon MK
Secondary armament 1 × 7.62 mm MG (axially parallel)
drive Detroit V6 diesel engine
197 kW (264 hp)
Top speed 61 km / h
Power / weight 14.9 kW / t
Range 490 km

The AIFV ( A rmored I nfantry F ighting V ehicle ) is an American armored .

The US defense company FMC Corporation developed the AIFV as an interim solution between the M113 and the M2 Bradley . FMC recognized the potential of the new vehicle for export, as the M2 Bradley was too heavy and too expensive for many exporting countries.

The vehicle is similar in shape to the M113. The basic aluminum armor was reinforced with additional steel plates. While a large vehicle family was created for the M113 (such as the M163 Vulcan ), only one version with a tower was produced for the AIFV. This is where the 25 mm Oerlikon cannon and the machine gun mounted parallel to the axis are located. As with the M2 Bradley, shooters can join the fire fight from inside the vehicle through loopholes.

The AIFV can be equipped with night vision devices and NBC protection. The vehicle is also amphibious.

The AIFV is currently used by the Turkish , Belgian , Moroccan , Dutch and Filipino armies . The previous model in the Dutch army was the DAF YP-408 armored car .

The term "Armored Infantry Fighting Vehicle" is sometimes used synonymously for armored personnel carriers.


  • Philip Trewhitt: tanks. The most important combat vehicles in the world from World War I to the present day . Neuer Kaiserverlag, Klagenfurt 2005, ISBN 3-7043-3197-X

Web links

Commons : YPR-765  - Collection of Images