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The Abastanen ( Abastanoi , Greek Ἀβαστανοί; by Diodorus Sambastai (Greek Σαμβασταί) of Curtius Rufus Sabarcae called) were an ancient people in India . They are mentioned by Alexander historians on the occasion of Alexander the Great's campaign in India . Accordingly, the settlement area of ​​this warlike tribe was south of that of the Maller not far from the mouth of the Akesines into the Indus . The later Diadoche Perdiccas subjugated the Abastanes in 326 BC. BC, when he was on the way to the Macedonian king with the troop contingents that were initially still there after Alexander's withdrawal from the territory of the Maller. The Abastanes are probably identical to the ancient Indian people Ambaṣṭha listed in the Aitareya Brahmana and in Puran tribal registers .



  1. a b Arrian , Anabasis 6, 15, 1.
  2. Diodorus 17, 102, 1.
  3. ^ Curtius Rufus 9, 8, 4-7.