Abelian partial summation

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In mathematics , the Abelian partial summation (according to NH Abel ) is a certain transformation of a sum of products of two numbers.


Let it be a natural number and real numbers . Then applies


The statement has a certain formal similarity to partial integration , if one takes into account the correspondence between sums and integrals and between differences and derivatives. This motivates the name.

Abelian inequality

Is a monotonically decreasing sequence with positive followers, i. H. applies

and if the numbers are arbitrarily real (or complex ), then applies

(For the notation "max" see largest and smallest element .)

This statement follows directly by applying the triangle inequality to the right-hand side of the equation given above for the Abelian partial summation.

Application example

Abel uses the inequality in his work (see sources ) to prove that a power series

which converges for a certain positive real number , is also convergent for every smaller positive number and represents a continuous function. The essential step is the forming

and since it is a monotonically decreasing sequence, one can calculate the sum on the right-hand side according to the Abelian inequality

estimate upwards, and the two factors become arbitrarily small for large .


J. Reine Angew. Math. 1 (1826) 311-331
The Abelian inequality together with the relevant transformation can be found as Theorem III on p. 314.

Web links

Abelian inequality