Adventure astronomy

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Adventure astronomy

description Astronomy magazine
publishing company Oculum Verlag GmbH (Germany)
Headquarters gain
First edition 2016
attitude December 2018
Frequency of publication 8 times a year
Sold edition 25,000 copies
Editor-in-chief Stefan Deiters
editor Ronald Stoyan
Web link
ISSN (print)

Adventure Astronomie was a German-language magazine for astronomy . It emerged in 2016 from its predecessor interstellarum and was published by Oculum-Verlag , Erlangen . Editor-in-chief was the astronomer Stefan Deiters, editor the astronomy journalist Ronald Stoyan . The magazine was discontinued in December 2018 with issue 18. The reason given - with stable subscriber numbers according to the publisher - was the decline in revenues from print advertising.

Six bimonthly issues as well as two special issues were published per year: the sky almanac and the market overview for telescopes and binoculars. In addition to the printed version, there was a platform-independent app of the same name. In addition, the astronomy portal was operated.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Ronald Stoyan: Adventure Astronomy is discontinued. 7th November 2018.