Abi Gamin

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Abi Gamin
height 7355  m
location Uttarakhand ( India )
Mountains Kamet Group ( Garhwal Himalayas )
Dominance 1.71 km →  Kamet
Notch height 217 m ↓  Meade`s Col
Coordinates 30 ° 55 '59 "  N , 79 ° 36' 8"  E Coordinates: 30 ° 55 '59 "  N , 79 ° 36' 8"  E
Abi Gamin (Uttarakhand)
Abi Gamin
First ascent 22nd August 1950 by a British-Swiss expedition

Abi Gamin (also Ibi Gamin ) is a 7355  m high peak in the Himalayas in the Indian state of Uttarakhand on the border with China .

Abi Gamin is the third highest peak in Garhwal . Due to the low notch height, it forms a northeastern secondary peak of the 7756  m high Kamet , from which it is separated by the 7138 m high saddle Meade's Col.

The first ascent of Abi Gamin was achieved on August 22, 1950 by a British-Swiss expedition ( René Dittert , Alfred Tissières and Gabriel Chevalley ). The ascent route led from the Tibetan side over the Manapass and the Mangnang Glacier and the northeast ridge to the summit.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b Alpine Club Library - Himalayan Index
  2. eduteka.pl: Abi Gamin