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Cooldown is the period of time in which a size falls to a certain value.


The term decay or Decay Time is in the music and in the acoustics used because all the musical instruments after striking echo and refers to the time until the finish is almost inaudible. In room acoustics , this also describes the reverberation time . This is the time it takes for the sound level to decrease by 60  dB , i.e. to a thousandth of the initial sound pressure .

Radioactivity, radiation medicine and nuclear technology

The decrease in the activity of a given radionuclide follows the law of decay and can be described by a half-life .

In the nuclear decay time means the period, the used fuel in the spent fuel pool must spend to produce so little heat that it into a transport container may be loaded. The decay cannot be described by a half-life here, as it is a mixture of many different radionuclides.

In the event of contamination with relatively short-lived radionuclides, decontamination storage is used: The material is safely stored until the activity has dropped to a harmless level and the material is e.g. B. released or safely eliminated conventionally. In the case of other radioactive substances (e.g. medical preparations), the decay time refers to the period after which the residues can be disposed of normally. This happens either depending on the dose rate or, in the case of small amounts, on a subjective scale. As a rule, 10 half-lives are waited for, as the original dose has then decreased by a factor of 1024.

The principle of decay is also the basis for safe enclosure when dismantling nuclear power plants . After it has subsided, handling is very simplified.

Computer games

Cooldown time (also cooldown or cooldown time ) in computer games refers to the time that must elapse after an ability, an object or an action has been used before it can be used again.

Other meanings

For quantities that decrease with a decay constant , one speaks of decay time:

Individual evidence

  1. Peter Winkler: Computer Lexikon 2010: The whole digital world to look up , p. 533, Verlag Markt und Technik 2009, ISBN 978-3-827-24519-9