Varkiza Agreement

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The Agreement of Varkiza ( Greek Συμφωνία της Βάρκιζας ) was signed on February 12, 1945 between the then Greek government under Prime Minister Nikolaos Plastiras and the resistance organization EκAM (Ethniko Apeleftherotiko Metopo, Ερωτεθεθεθεπνo, ιντωκπνo , which was founded in the Second World War against the occupying powers of Italy , Germany and Bulgaria . National Liberation Front) in the Athens coastal suburb of Varkiza. In the days before, Franklin D. Roosevelt ( USA ), Winston Churchill ( United Kingdom ) and Josef Stalin ( USSR ) had negotiated at the Yalta Conference on the distribution of power in Europe after the end of the Second World War.

The more conservative (right-wing) Greek government and the left-wing (predominantly communist) EAM agreed on an armistice after the armed conflict in the Battle of Athens in December 1944 ( Dekemvriana ). The signatories also agreed a disarmament of the ELAS (Ethnikos Laikos Apeleftherotikos Stratos, Εθνικός Λαϊκός Απελευθερωτικός Στρατός ΣτρατΣς; part of the EAM), an early amnesty for all political prisoners and an amnesty for all political prisoners.

Despite this agreement , there were renewed clashes (also armed) between the Greek government (supported by Great Britain and the USA from 1947 within the framework of the Truman Doctrine ) and the EAM (supported by Albania , Bulgaria , Yugoslavia and the Soviet Union ) . The ELAS weapons were only partially surrendered. The persecution of left-wing people - especially communists - continued despite the agreement to the contrary in the Varkiza Agreement. The agreed election in 1945 was boycotted by the EAM; it took place on March 31, 1946 .

The increasing tensions between the left and right political camps in Greece after the Varkiza Agreement culminated in the Greek Civil War in 1946 .


Mark Mazower (Ed.): After the War was over. Reconstructing the State, Family and the Law in Greece, 1943-1960 , Princeton University Press 2000.

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