Abraham ben Joschijahu

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Abraham ben Joschijahu ( Polish Abraham ben Joszijahu z Trok ; * 1636 in Trakai , † 1687 ) was a Jewish doctor and Karaean mystic , who was led by Johann III. Sobieski was appointed court doctor.


Abraham was born in Trakai in 1636 to Joschijahu ben Judah ben Aaron . He devoted himself to studying science and medicine .

He wrote several writings in the Hebrew language , most of which have only survived in handwriting. Among the most important are the mystical Bejt Abraham and the medical writings Bejt ha-Ozar (1672) and Sefer Refuot . In addition, three of his liturgical poems can be found in a Karaite siddur that was printed in Vilnius .


Web links

  • Rafał Żebrowski: Abraham ben Joszijahu Troki. In: Polski Słownik Judaistyczny. Żydowski Instytut Historyczny im. Emanuela Ringelbluma, accessed March 24, 2016 (Polish).