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The deduction iron is one of the Totfangfallen corresponding type of shock trap for trapping of predators is used.

In addition to the egg pullers used for hunting and the gooseneck , various traps of different sizes are used for pest control , e.g. B. mousetrap, rat trap.


The brackets are pressed outwards and downwards against the pressure of the trigger bar until the release mechanism engages. Depending on the strength and size of the trap, especially the gooseneck, a tension lever is used. The brackets of the opened, cocked trap are on the left and right of the trigger device on which a bait is attached. The cocked and unlocked trap is triggered by lifting or pulling the bait. The bait can be a raw egg or a piece of prune.

Manslaughter traps, which, like the leghold trap , are triggered by pressure, contradict grazing justice and animal welfare . The use of leghold traps has been banned in the EU since 1995.


Irons are used to catch martens and foxes . Since the bait is picked up by the animal with the catch (the mouth), in this case the head and front body are in the area of ​​the striking bar. Hitting the spring-loaded bracket should kill immediately.


This mode of operation is problematic in view of the increasing spread of the raccoon in Germany, which usually eats with the front paw, as the effect is similar to that of a leghold and is not fatal. In a press release from the raccoon project headed by zoologist and hunter Frank-Uwe Michler to investigate raccoon occurrence in the Müritz National Park , the use of trigger irons in areas with raccoon occurrences is described as deliberate animal cruelty .

Security regulations

Because injuries to the limbs of children and other bystanders can be caused, pull irons may only be set up in such a way that such injuries are prevented. They must also always be placed in such a way that only certain animals are caught in a targeted manner (“selective catch”). The following provisions apply:

  • The trap must not be found by chance and must not be set up in places that are usually and regularly visited by uninvolved, inexperienced persons and children.
  • The trap must be protected from sight (requirement of camouflage ).
  • It must not be possible to release the trap with hands or feet, i. H. to strike. The trap is to be installed in a locked container ("trap bunker"), which guarantees this requirement.
  • If the bunker is opened forcibly, the trap must trigger without causing injury.
  • A warning sign must be attached to the bunker, which clearly indicates the danger and, if possible, is provided with a corresponding pictogram .

The above requirements experience permissible deviations if the trap is set up in a closed room (catching the stone marten in attics) or in a "catch garden".

The use of a trigger iron for hunting is only permitted to people who can present a certificate of competence in accordance with the hunting regulations of the federal state concerned, whose traps are unmistakably marked and who are listed in a trap register. The traps often have to meet other conditions to be allowed to be used; for example certain tested clamping forces.

In Germany, some federal states generally prohibit the use of homicide traps.


Individual evidence

  1. Haseder, p. 20
  2. Art. 2 Regulation (EEC) No. 3254/91, whereby Art. 1 leghold traps defined as "a device for holding or catching animals with brackets that snap shut over one or more runs of the animals and thus prevent the animal from moving freed. "; In Germany, according to Section 69 (5) of the Federal Nature Conservation Act, the use of all animals is illegal, depending on the protection status of the animal concerned or the type of inspection according to Sections 71, 71a BNatSchG
  3. Hendrik Fulda: agonizing death by leghold traps. June 30, 2008, accessed on July 4, 2008 (press release of the raccoon project headed by zoologist and hunter Frank-Uwe Michler to investigate raccoon occurrence in the Müritz National Park): “Through this so-called tactile foraging for food, the small bears seize the action of pulling iron Always use the front paws to catch the bait and excruciatingly caught fire. According to § 19 para. 1 no. 9 of the BJagdG are "traps that do not catch unharmed or do not kill immediately, prohibited". For this reason, the use of trigger irons in areas with raccoons is deliberate cruelty to animals! "
  4. so, partly with the possibility of exceptional approval:
    • Baden-Württemberg: Section 32 (3) of the Hunting and Wildlife Management Act (JWMG),
    • North Rhine-Westphalia: §30 no. 1 Ordinance on the Implementation of the State Hunting Act,
    • Saxony: Section 18 (1) (2) of the Hunting Act