Maximilianus of Numidia

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Maximilianus von Numidien (* 274 , † March 12, 295 ) was an early Christian martyr from North Africa.

Maximilian, who came from Numidia , refused to serve in the Roman army ( mihi non licet militare, quia Christianus sum “I am not allowed to be a soldier because I am a Christian”). On March 12, 295 there was a trial, death sentence and execution in Theveste, North Africa . The Acta Maximiliani , the martyr's account of the trial and execution of Maximilian, is an important historical document and is based on the court records, which were revised in the 4th century by an anonymous Christian author.

Maximilian's feast day is March 12th.

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Individual evidence

  1. Heinrich Holze:  Maximilian. In: Biographisch-Bibliographisches Kirchenlexikon (BBKL). Volume 5, Bautz, Herzberg 1993, ISBN 3-88309-043-3 , Sp. 1078-1080.