Actio de pauperie

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The actio de pauperie described the liability of the animal keeper in Roman private law . It had already been reflected in the Early Republican Twelve Tables Act (Tabula VIII, 6).

Liability is based on the damage caused by a four-legged friend ( quadrupes ) and, as evidenced by the digest , against the natural peacefulness of the animal. The liability against the animal owner was modeled on the basic idea of ​​the noxal liability of the victim of violence , so that the liability debtor either had to compensate for the damage incurred or to surrender the animal ( noxae deditio ).

The civil code in § 833 BGB also knows the idea of animal owner liability .


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Individual evidence

  1. ^ Herbert Hausmaninger , Walter Selb : Römisches Privatrecht , Böhlau, Vienna 1981 (9th edition 2001) (Böhlau-Studien-Bücher) ISBN 3-205-07171-9 , p. 291.
  2. Max Kaser / Rolf Knütel , Römisches Privatrecht , 17th edition, Munich 2003, p. 316