Adalbert Boeck

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Adalbert Boeck (born December 5, 1889 in Wielkalonko , West Prussia Province , † after 1941) was a German teacher, National Socialist and from 1933 to 1939 Senator for Culture of the Free City of Danzig .


Boeck was the son of a farmer. After attending a country school and a private school, he went to the Royal Evangelical Preparatory Institute. After he had completed the teachers' seminar in Thorn , he was active in the primary school in Gdansk and the surrounding area from 1911. In the meantime, he did his military service in Thorn in 1911/12. After completing his training as a primary school teacher, he also passed the secondary school teacher exam. In 1914 he took part in the First World War as a war volunteer , most recently with the rank of lieutenant . He was awarded the Iron Cross 1st and 2nd class. He had come back from the front as a war invalid (his left arm was paralyzed). Then he returned to the school service of the city of Danzig.

The elementary and secondary school teacher was a member of the völkisch-anti-Semitic German Social Party from 1923 to 1926 and from 1924 he was active in the German Völkisch teachers' association. He joined the Sturmabteilung in 1930 , in which he reached the rank of SA standard leader in 1936. From 1930 he was Gauamtsleiter of the Office for Education and was Gaufführer of the Gdańsk National Socialist Teachers' Association . In the Reichsschulungsburg Jenkau ( Conradinum ) he worked as a guest teacher. The Nazi Party , he joined the 1931st At the Volksbund für das Deutschtum Abroad he took on leading positions, so he headed the Gdansk regional association of this organization. He was also a federal leader of the Federation of United Frontline Fighters . From June 20, 1933 to September 1, 1939, Boeck was Senator for Public Education, Science, Art and Church Affairs of the Free City of Danzig, first in the Rauschning Senate and then in the Greiser Senate .

After the attack on Poland , Boeck was responsible for school and church matters in the authority of the head of civil administration for Gdansk-West Prussia, Albert Forster . His appointment as government director at the authority of the Reich Governor of Danzig followed in 1941.


  • Hans-Christian Harten, Uwe Neirich, Matthias Schwerendt: Racial hygiene as an educational ideology of the Third Reich. Bio-bibliographical manual , Akademie Verlag, Edition Bildung und Wissenschaft Volume 10, Berlin 2006, ISBN 978-3-05-004094-3, ISBN 3-05-004094-7 .
  • Wolfgang Gippert: Childhood and youth in Danzig 1920 to 1945. Identity formation in the socialist and conservative milieu . Klartext, Essen 2005, ISBN 978-3-89861-388-0

Individual evidence

  1. Wolfgang Gippert: Childhood and Youth in Danzig 1920 to 1945. Identity formation in the socialist and conservative milieu , Essen 2005, p. 218f.
  2. Hans-Christian Harten, Uwe Neirich, Matthias Schwerendt: Racial hygiene as an educational ideology of the Third Reich. Bio-bibliographical manual , Berlin 2006, p. 350
  3. ^ Bernhard von Brocke: Ministries of Culture and Science Administrations in Germany and Austria: System breaks and continuities 1918/19 - 1933/38 - 1945/45. In: Rüdiger vom Bruch (Ed.): Sciences and Science Policy: Inventories of formations, breaks and continuities in Germany in the 20th century. Steiner, Stuttgart 2002, p. 205
  4. Bernhard R. Kroener, Rolf-Dieter Müller, Hans Umbreit: The German Reich and the Second World War: Organization and mobilization of the German sphere of influence Volume 5/1: War administration, economy and human resources 1939 to 1941. Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt, Stuttgart 1988 , ISBN 978-3-421-06232-1 , p. 33