Adelheid Gnaiger

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Adelheid Gnaiger (* 1916 in Feldkirch , Vorarlberg ; † 1991 there ) was an Austrian architect .


In order to attend grammar school, Gnaiger had to move to relatives in Dornbirn , as the grammar school in her home town Feldkirch did not yet allow girls. In 1933, at the age of 17, she began studying architecture at the Vienna University of Technology . She then worked at the Reichsbauamt Vorarlberg as well as in an architecture office in Zurich and in 1950 she started her own business as a civil engineer in Feldkirch. This made her the first female architect in Vorarlberg to have her own office. She planned banks, schools, public administration buildings and single-family houses. With her style between tradition and modernity, she shaped the architecture of Vorarlberg in the post-war period.

Gnaiger was married and had two children. She is the aunt of the architect Roland Gnaiger .


Town hall Lustenau, planned by the architects Gnaiger, Götsch, Griss


  • Ingrid Holzschuh (Ed.): Adelheid Gnaiger 1916-1991. The first female architect in Vorarlberg . Park Books, 2014, ISBN 978-3-906027-46-3 .

Individual evidence

  1. a b Frau in Männerdomäne , accessed on August 13, 2015
  2. Vorarlberger Nachrichten: Present, but once not mentioned , accessed on August 13, 2015
  3. ^ Günter Meissner: General Artist Lexicon. The visual artists of all times and peoples. Walter de Gruyter, Munich 2007, ISBN 9783598227400 , p. 284.
  4. The Lustenau Town Hall - An architectural jewel of post-war modernism , accessed on August 13, 2015