Adi'el Amorai

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Adi'el Amorai, 1969
Adi'el Amorai, 2012.

Adi'el Amorai ( Hebrew עדיאל אמוראי, Born February 17, 1934 in Rechovot , Palestine ) is a former Israeli politician .


Amorai attended the local high school in Tel Aviv , after which he studied economics, international and public law at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem . He then acted as director of the Ministry of the Interior and as its press spokesman.

In 1969 he became a member of the HaMa'arach Knesset . He was confirmed in his mandate in 1973, 1977, 1981 and 1984. He was then appointed Deputy Minister of Finance on September 24, 1984 , and held that office until December 22, 1988.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Knesset Members of the Eleventh Knesset Knesset website