Adolf Harwalik

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Adolf Harwalik (born May 22, 1908 in Graz ; † October 22, 1997 ibid) was an Austrian politician ( ÖVP ) and state school inspector. From 1956 to 1975 he was a member of the National Council .


Harwalik attended elementary school in Graz from 1914 to 1919 and then completed the secondary school in Graz and from 1922 to 1927 the federal teacher training institute in Graz. After completing his education in 1927 with the Matura, he passed the teaching qualification test for elementary schools in 1929 and that for secondary schools in 1933. In 1940 he also trained as a Wehrmacht psychologist. With effect from April 1, 1940, he was admitted to the NSDAP and was assigned the membership number 8,595,524.

Harwalik worked between 1927 and 1929 as an elementary school teacher at the elementary school in Semriach and was then from 1929 to 1939 teacher and senior teacher at the elementary school in St. Bartholomä . He lost his post in 1939 and in the same year became a senior teacher at the Luftwaffe technical school in Vienna. He then found use as a proficiency tester for the Air Force. After the Second World War, Harwalik worked again as a senior teacher at the Semriach elementary school from 1945 to 1950, after which he was principal school director in Leoben-Donawitz from 1950 to 1953, after which he was principal school director in Graz from 1954. From 1957 to 1961 he was the city school inspector of Graz and from 1961 to 1973 he was state school inspector of Styria. He was given the professional title of Hofrat .

In 1926, Harwalik was the founding chairman of the Christian-German Comradeship Association at the Graz teacher training institutes and in 1927 he joined the Christian Social Party. In 1945 he became a member of the ÖVP, from 1954 he acted as regional chairman of the teachers' union of the ÖVP Styria. From 1955 he was also the first chairman of the compulsory school teacher section in the union of public employees and represented the ÖVP in the National Council between June 8, 1956 and November 4, 1975.


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Michael Wladika : On the representation of politicians and mandataries with a Nazi past in the Austrian People's Party 1945–1980. A group biographical study. Research project on behalf of the Karl von Vogelsang Institute. Vienna 2018, p. 155 ( PDF ).
  2. List of all decorations awarded by the Federal President for services to the Republic of Austria from 1952 (PDF; 6.9 MB)
  3. List of all decorations awarded by the Federal President for services to the Republic of Austria from 1952 (PDF; 6.9 MB)