Adolf Warski

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Adolf Warski

Adolf Warski , actually Jerzy Adolf Warszawski (born April 20, 1868 in Warsaw , † August 21, 1937 in Moscow ), was a Polish labor leader of Jewish origin.

His father was a commercial clerk. Adolf Warski was a co-founder of the Union of Polish Workers in 1889 and of the Social Democracy of the Kingdom of Poland and Lithuania (SDKPiL) in 1893 . Together with Rosa Luxemburg and J. Marchlewski he published the party newspaper “Sprawa Robotnicza”. After the merger of the SDKPiL with the Social Democratic Workers' Party of Russia (RSDLP), he was a member of the Central Committee of the RSDLP in 1906 . He was arrested and banished several times by the Russian authorities. Warski returned to Poland in 1916 and was involved in founding the Communist Party of Poland (KPP) in 1918 . From 1919 to 1930 he was with interruptions a member of the Central Committee of the CPP and from 1923 a member of the Politburo . In the period 1921–1928 Warski took part in several congresses of the Communist International . From 1930 in emigration , he worked in Moscow at the Marx-Engels Institute there . In the course of the " Stalinist purges " he was persecuted, sentenced to death and executed.

The Szczecin shipyard was named after Adolf Warski from 1959 to 1990: Stocznia Szczecińska im. Adolfa Warskiego .

Individual evidence

  1. H. Tillman et al. a. (Hsg): Biographies on world history . Berlin 1989, p. 590, ISBN 3-326-00218-1
  2. Robert Kościelny, Artur Kubaj: Stocznia Szczecińska in. Adolfa Warskiego . In: (Encyclopedia of Solidarność ), accessed on 2014 (Polish).

Web links

Commons : Adolf Warski  - collection of pictures, videos and audio files