Adolfo Matthei

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Dr. Adolfo Matthei Schwarzenberg

Adolfo Matthei Schwarzenberg (born June 21, 1902 in Osorno , Chile , † August 28, 1939 in Santiago de Chile ) was a Chilean agricultural engineer. He founded the Osornos Higher Agricultural School, now called Instituto Profesional Agrario Adolfo Matthei.


Matthei was a descendant of German immigrants in Osorno. He received his basic and secondary education in Chile and Germany. He then studied at the Agronomic Institute in Santiago, today Agricultural Faculty of the Universidad de Chile , where he graduated as an agricultural engineer in 1925. Between 1929 and 1931 he was in Germany and did his doctorate at the Humboldt University in Berlin . Matthei returned to Chile and settled in Osorno, where he founded the Osornos Agricultural School in 1932. He died of peritonitis at the age of 37.

He was a member of the National Socialist Movement of Chile and he ran as a member of this party in the parliamentary elections in 1937 without being elected.


  • Fertilizantes calcareos. Santiago, 1925.
  • Fertilizantes fosfatados. Santiago, 1926.
  • Fertilizantes nitrogenados. Santiago, 1927.
  • Agriculture in Chile. Bielefeld-Leipzig, 1929.
  • Sheep farming in Patagonia. Berlin, 1931.
  • Studies of soil fertility in Chile as the basis of internal agricultural policy. Berlin, 1931. Doctoral thesis at Humboldt University Berlin.
  • Suelos y abonos. Santiago, 1931.
  • Política agraria chilena. Padre Las Casas, 1935.
  • Hacia una acción colonizadora más eficiente in Chile. Osorno, 1936.
  • Agricultural Economy and Agricultural Policy of the Republic of Chile. Berlin, 1936.
  • La agricultura en Chile y la política agraria chilena. Santiago, 1939.


  • Eduardo Gallardo: El ingeniero agrónomo Dr. Adolfo Matthei y su rol en el desarrollo de la agricultura en Chile y Osorno (1925–1939). Osorno: Universidad de Los Lagos, 2012.


Eduardo Gallardo: Presencia del Movimiento Nacional-Socialista Chileno en las elecciones parlamentarias de 1937 en Osorno: Su campaña política en las páginas de la prensa local. In: Espacio Regional Revista de Estudios Sociales, Vol. 2, No. 9 (2012), pp. 73-100.