Adolphe Ribaux

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Adolphe Ribaux (born May 3, 1864 in Bevaix , † January 26, 1915 in Curio ) was a writer from French-speaking Switzerland .

life and work

Adolphe Ribaux was the son of a farmer and postman. He strove for literary fame since his youth and appeared in 1882 with his first poems Feuilles de lierre . Soon afterwards he also appeared as head of the magazine La Suisse romande, which he founded in 1885 . He made a name for himself in the introduction of popular theater in the open air. In 1893 he had Julia Alpinula performed in 8 pictures in the ancient theater of Avenches and played in it himself. It was followed by Charles le Téméraire in 9 pictures (1897) and La Reine Berthe in 12 pictures (1899). In Paris he performed smaller verses, Le Benouveau (1895) and Un tour d'Arlequin , without great success . His poetry and short stories are numerous. The novel Myriam Ancelin (1902) should also be mentioned.

In 1907 he married Lucia Maria Anna Visconti.


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