Aemilia (Vestal Virgin)

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Aemilia († 114 BC ) was a member of the ancient Roman patrician family of the Aemilians , a Vestal Virgin who was executed for incest .

In 115 BC Aemilia was accused in a sensational incest trial of having violated her vow of chastity by having several love affairs, including with the Roman knight Lucius Veturius. In addition, she instigated the co-defendants Licinia and Marcia to also start relationships with other men, and made Licinia's brother her lover. In the proceedings directed by the Pontifex Maximus Lucius Caecilius Metellus Delmaticus , Aemilia was 114 BC. Found guilty and sentenced to death, while Licinia and Marcia were first acquitted. But in 113 BC A second trial was initiated against the Vestal Virgins, presided over by the strict Lucius Cassius Longinus Ravilla , which also led to the condemnation of Licinia and Marcia.



  1. ^ Livius , periochae 63; Plutarch , Quaestiones Romanae 83; Asconius Pedianus , Commentary on Cicero , Pro T. Annio Milone , p. 39f. ed. Stangl; Cassius Dio , Roman History , Book 26, Fragment 87; Orosius , Historiae adversum Paganos 5, 15, 22; among others