Pro milones

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Pro Milone (also: Pro T. Annio Milone ; lat. "For Titus Annius Milo" ) is the expanded and revised, written version of a speech that the Roman lawyer and politician Marcus Tullius Cicero 52 BC. . Chr held in Rome. In it he defended Titus Annius Milo, who was accused of the murder of Publius Clodius Pulcher .


Cicero leads a "staggered defense" and denied successively that the accusation applies to the accused, the act and its assessment: The perpetrators were therefore Milos' slaves ( status coniecturalis ) . In addition, it was not murder , but self-defense (status finitionis) . After all, Milo would even earn divine honors as a tyrant murderer (status qualitatis) .

Well-known quotes


  • Wilhelm Freund : Pro Milone , Breslau 1828.
  • Christian Lorenz: Pro Milone , Teubner, Leipzig 1830.
  • Christoph August Heumann : Ciceronis oratio pro Milone, emendata et illustrata , 1733 (with German translation).
  • Albert Curtis Clark : Pro Milone , Oxford 1895 (com.), Unchanged. Reprint, Amsterdam 1967.
  • Karl Halm , Georg von Laubmann : Pro Milone , Berlin, 1899, 10th edition (with commentary).
  • Friedrich Richter, A. Eberhard, H. Nohl: Pro Milone , Leipzig 1907, 5th edition (with commentary).
  • Alfred Klotz : Pro Milone , Leipzig (Teubner) 1914.
  • FP Donnelly: Cicero's Milo, a rhetorical commentary , New York 1935.
  • Paolo Fedeli: Pro Milone , Venice 1990


  • Marion Giebel : Pro Milone , Reclam-Verlag, Stuttgart 1992, 5th edition
  • see also Christoph August Heumann's edition from 1733


  • DH Berry: Pompey's Legal Knowlege - or Lack of it: Cic. Mil. 70 and the Date of Pro Milone. In: Historia. Volume 42 (1993) p. 502.
  • Mark Edward Clark, James S. Ruebel: Philosophy and Rhetoric in Cicero's Pro Milone , in: Rheinisches Museum für Philologie . 128: 57-72 (1985).
  • AR Dyck: Narrative obfuscation, philosophical topoi, and tragic patterning in Cicero's Pro Milone. In: Harvard studies in classical philology. 98, 1998, pp. 219-241.
  • Benedikt Forschner: The unity of order. Law, Philosophy and Society in Cicero's 'Pro Milone' speech . CH Beck, Munich, 2015. ISBN 978-3-406-68409-8 .
  • AW Lintott: Cicero and Milo. In: Journal of Roman studies. 64, 1974, 62-78
  • Christoff Neumeister: Principles of forensic rhetoric, shown in Cicero's court speeches , Munich 1964.
  • James S. Ruebel: The trial of Milo in 52 BC: A chronological study. In: Transactions and proceedings of the American Philological Association. 109, 1979, pp. 231-249.
  • Wolfgang Schuller : The murder trial against Titus Annius Milo in the year 52 BC Or: violence from above. In: Ulrich Manthe, Jürgen von Ungern Sternberg: Great processes of Roman antiquity. Beck, Munich 1997, pp. 115-127.
  • James N. Settle: The trial of Milo and the other Pro Milone. In: Transactions and proceedings of the American Philological Association. 94, 1963, pp. 268-280.
  • AM Stone: Pro Milone: ​​Cicero's second thoughts. In: Antichthon. 14, 1980, pp. 88-111.
  • Meinolf Vielberg : Opium for the Optimates? Religious reasoning in Ciceros Miloniana. In: Eranos. 1995, pp. 49-64.
  • Kenneth Wellesley: Real and unreal problems in the Pro Milone. In: Acta classica Universitatis Scientiarum Debreceniensis. 7, 1971, pp. 27-31.
  • Wolfgang Will : The Roman mob. Social Conflicts in the Late Republic. Darmstadt 1991, pp. 92-111.

Web links

Wikisource: Pro Milone  - Sources and full texts (Latin)


  1. Michael von Albrecht : History of Roman Literature. 3rd edition, Munich 2003, p. 421.