Albert Curtis Clark

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Albert Curtis Clark (born February 21, 1859 in Salisbury , † February 5, 1937 in Oxford ) was a British classical philologist . He is particularly known for his text-critical studies and editions of Cicero's speeches, the commentaries of Quintus Asconius Pedianus and the Acts of the Apostles .

life and work

Albert Curtis Clark studied Classical Philology at Oxford University . He was particularly strongly influenced by the Latinist Robinson Ellis , to whom Clark later devoted several writings and took up the chair in 1913. His fellow students included the later famous philologists Wallace Martin Lindsay and Alfred Edward Housman .

Clark was an exibitioner at Balliol College from 1877 to 1882 , then a fellow at Queen's College (Oxford) until 1913 . He was also a University Reader in Latin from 1909 to 1913. In 1913 he was appointed Professor of Latin at Corpus Christi College (Oxford) , where he was made a Fellow. He held his inaugural lecture on June 6, 1914 on the topic of Recent developments in textual criticism ("Current developments in textual criticism"). In 1916 the British Academy elected him a member. In 1934 he retired . In 1935 Oxford University appointed him D.Litt. honoris causa .

Clark studied much of Roman literature from classical prose to Middle Latin . In 1910 he published a study book on Middle and Vulgar Latin . His research focus, however, was the handwritten transmission of the speeches of Cicero and the Acts of the Apostles . He occupied himself with Cicero's speeches since his studies. First he published text-critical studies and an annotated edition of the speech Pro Milone . Subsequently, four of the six volumes of the new Oxford edition of Cicero's speeches were published (1905-1911). This edition, on which the Scottish philologist William Peterson worked alongside Clark , remained the authoritative textual basis long after its publication and was in use well into the 21st century.

Two other projects by Clark originated from this publishing company: first, the edition of the ancient Cicero commentaries by Quintus Asconius Pedianus (1907), and second, studies on prose rhythm . After the study book Fontes prosae numerosae , which contained examples from Greek and Roman prose writers , Clark also wrote the basic monograph on English prose rhythm (1913).

In his old age, Clark was mainly concerned with the handwritten tradition of the Latin New Testament . After several text-critical studies, he published an extensive edition of the Latin Acts of the Apostles in 1933 .

Fonts (selection)

  • Collations from the Harleian Ms. of Cicero 2682 . Oxford 1892
  • M. Tulli Ciceronis Pro T. Annio Milone ad iudices oratio. Edited with introduction and commentary . Oxford 1895
  • M. Tulli Ciceronis Orationes. Tomus II: Pro Milone. Pro Marcello. Pro Ligario. Pro lively Deiotaro. Philippicae I-XIV . Oxford 1901 (numerous reprints)
  • M. Tulli Ciceronis Orationes. Tomus I: Pro Sex. Roscio. De imperio Cn. Pompei. Pro Cluentio. In Catilinam. Pro Murena. Pro Caelio . Oxford 1905 (numerous reprints)
  • The Vetus Cluniacensis of Poggio: being a contribution to the textual criticism of Cicero Pro Sex. Roscio, Pro Cluentio, Pro Murena, Pro Caelio, and Pro Milone . Oxford 1905
  • Q. Asconii Pediani Orationum Ciceronis quinque enarratio . Oxford 1907
  • Fontes prosae numerosae . Oxford 1909
  • Inventa Italorum: being a contribution to the textual criticism of Cicero . Oxford 1909
  • M. Tulli Ciceronis Orationes. Tomus IV: Pro P. Quinctio. Per Q. Roscio Comoedo. Per A. Caecina. De lege agraria contra Rullum. Per C. Rabirio perduellionis reo. Per L. Flacco. In L. Pisonem. Per C. Rabirio Postumo . Oxford 1909 (numerous reprints)
  • The cursus in mediaeval and vulgar Latin . Oxford 1910
  • M. Tulli Ciceronis Orationes. Tomus VI: Pro Tullio. Pro Fontei. Pro Sulla. Pro Archia. Pro Plancio. Pro Scauro . Oxford 1911 (numerous reprints)
  • Prose Rhythm in English . Oxford 1913
  • The primitive text of the Gospels and Acts . Oxford 1914
  • The descent of manuscripts . Oxford 1918
  • The Acts of the Apostles: a critical edition, with introduction and notes on selected passages . Oxford 1933


  • Robert Eisler: Albert Curtis Clark † . In: Bulletin of the Bezan Club . Volume 12 (1937), pp. 1-8
  • Cyril Bailey : Albert Curtis Clark . In: Proceedings of the British Academy . Volume 23 (1938), pp. 513-525
  • Christian J. Fordyce: Albert Curtis Clark . In: Annual report on the progress of classical antiquity . Born 1938, Nekrologe, pp. 108–113

Web links

Wikisource: Albert Curtis Clark  - Sources and full texts (English)