Aerogen gas

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Aerogen gas , actually aerogen gas , also air gas or benoid gas , is a flammable gas that has been produced by means of special aerogen gas generators for household use from the cold vapors of volatile light petrol and air . In the course of electrification , gas lighting was replaced by electrical lighting and therefore aerogen gas was no longer used.


A quantity of light petrol , gasoline (a type of petrol) or the like was vaporized in a storage vessel by means of a pump or pump and the gas was pressed into the pipes.


Since gasworks needed a center for the production of the gas as well as distribution lines to the customers, only a locally limited area could be supplied with gas. In order to have gas available in remote houses and yards, gas generators were developed for domestic use.


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Individual evidence

  1. ^ W. Bertelsmann, F. Schuster: Introduction to the technical treatment of gaseous substances . Springer-Verlag, 1930, ISBN 978-3-642-89449-7 , p. 154.