Schostal agency

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The Schostal agency was a press photo agency that was based in Vienna , but also had branches in Paris , Milan , Berlin and Stockholm , among others . The owner was Robert F. Schostal.

In the period before the Second World War , the agency held over a million photos from a wide variety of areas from the 1920s and 1930s. This made it one of the big names in the industry.

She took over the picture inventory of the agency Wiener Photo-Kurier and also their premises in the 4th district of Wieden . From 1929 she was also the representative of the Keystone Press Agency in London and New York. In Austria, the agency supplied magazines, the Moderne Welt , Die Bühne , Wiener Salonblatt and Wiener Magazin . In Germany, magazines like Die Dame , Die Woche or Uhu were among the customers. There were other customers all over Europe but also overseas. The main customers were print media from the fields of culture, fashion and glamor. But the advertising industry also increasingly made use of the photo agency.

The agency later went by the name PPP Photos for press and propaganda. Schostal agency . Robert Schostal himself had to emigrate to the United States in 1938. Among the renowned photographers were names such as Kitty Hoffmann , Manassé , Paul Wolff , Georges Sand , Willem van de Poll , Bert Longworth , Germaine Krull , Yva , Madame d'Ora , Elisabeth Hase and Lotte Jacobi . For some, the agency offered the opportunity to circumvent the professional ban of the National Socialist Reich Chamber of Culture .

The agency's activities ended in the early 1940s and the image archive was put into storage. It was only rediscovered in a cellar in 1994. The German Historical Museum acquired as the agency Imagno the photo of the agency.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Agency Schostal in the German Historical Museum. Retrieved May 20, 2014 .
  2. ^ Agency Schostal in the German Historical Museum. Retrieved May 20, 2014 .