Aglauros (daughter of Actaios)
Aglauros ( Greek Ἄγλαυρος , from aglaós , "radiant" and aós , "morning" or from ἄγριος , "rural, living in the open air"), in Apollodor Agraulos ( Greek Ἄγραυλος ), is the daughter of Actaios , the first in Greek mythology King of Attica .
She was married to Kekrops I , King of Attica, and had four children with him, the Erysichthon , the Aglauros , the Herse and the Pandrosos .
- Roscher: Aglauros 1) . In: Wilhelm Heinrich Roscher (Hrsg.): Detailed lexicon of Greek and Roman mythology . Volume 1,1, Leipzig 1886, column 105 ( digitized version ).
- Johannes Toepffer : Aglauros, Agraulos 1 . In: Paulys Realencyclopadie der classischen Antiquity Science (RE). Volume I, 1, Stuttgart 1893, Col. 826.