Agnes Ravatn

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Agnes Ravatn (2013)

Agnes Ravatn (born February 8, 1983 in Ølen , Norway ) is a Norwegian writer and journalist .


Agnes Ravatn first studied music at the University of Bergen before studying creative writing at the Skrivekunst-akademiet i Hordaland . With her novel Veke 53 , published in 2007, she made her debut as a writer. Parallel to her work as a writer, she also works as a journalist, among others for Dag og Tid and Dagbladet . For her second novel, Fugletribunalet , published in 2013 , she was awarded the Ungdommens kritikerpris and the P2-Listener Novel Prize, among others . After a translation by Julia Gschwilm , it was published in 2015 under the title Vogeltribunall by Munich publisher btb.

Works (selection)

  • Veke 53 (2007)
  • Fugletribunalet (2013; German: Das Vogeltribunal , btb, Munich 2015, ISBN 978-3-442-74916-4 )
  • Dei sju dørene (2019)
  • Ikke til hjemlån (2008)
  • Standstill: sivilisasjonskritikk på lågt nivå (2009)
  • Folkelesnad (2011)
  • Operasjon sjølvdisiplin (2014)
  • He made a scandal. En bok om livet på lands (2017)

Awards (selection)

Web links

Commons : Agnes Ravatn  - collection of images, videos and audio files