Agnes von Werdenberg-Trochtelfingen

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Wilhelm Schenk von Schenkenstein and Agnes von Werdenberg

Agnes von Werdenberg-Trochtelfingen (* before 1440; † probably 1474) was one of the few late medieval German women about whose book ownership something is known.

She was initially with Count Ludwig XI. von Oettingen († 1440), then married to the low-nobility Wilhelm Schenk von Schenkenstein.

The portrait of the married couple Werdenberg / Schenkenstein, probably made by a Constance painter around 1450, is considered to be one of the earliest German double portraits (formerly in the Fürstlich Fürstenberg collection in Donaueschingen, today Schwäbisch Hall , Würth collection).

During her temporary marriage, Agnes von Werdenberg-Trochtelfingen lived partly in Schwäbisch Gmünd (in today's Palais Debler ), partly in Hohenburg Castle near Dillingen .

Through her daughter Magdalena, abbess of the Cistercian monastery in Kirchheim, five manuscripts with religious writings from her possession came to the Kirchheim library, from where they were transferred to the House of Oettingen and finally to the Augsburg University Library.


  • Georg Grupp : From the religious life of the giant in the Middle Ages (2nd part). In: Historischer Verein für Nördlingen and the surrounding area, 8th yearbook 1920/21, Nördlingen 1922, pp. 17–34, here p. 27f. Commons .

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